[ 2 FOR $9 ] LION Anti-Bacterial Foam Hand Soap (Floral Scent) 250ml 狮王 滋润抗菌泡沫洗手液 (花香型) Supply

LION Anti-Bacterial Foam Hand Soap
A foaming hand soap formulated with an antibacterial agent to effectively sterilize and protect the hands from germs. Featuring an antimicrobial pump head to help suppress bacterial growth!
* Dermatologically tested
* Free : Triclosan, Paraben, Sulfate surfactant
狮王 滋润抗菌泡沫洗手液
杀菌抑菌,高效洁净. 泡沫成分深入清洁角落污垢,高效清洁不留菌。绵密泡沫,趣享洁净。 蕴含丰富绵密的泡沫成分,让宝贝边洗边玩,爱上洗手。植萃配方,温和抑菌。温和植物配方,净肤不伤手,洁净更安心。润肤成分,倍护双手。蕴含滋润成分适合全家使用。
- 杀菌抑菌
- 绵密泡沫
- 润肤双手
- 清爽香气
- 舒心呵护
- 植萃配方
- 温和洁净
- 全家适用
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