[PRE-ORDER] THE GINZA Body Oil [预售] 资生堂 银座身体精华油 80ml Online

- Silky Robe Moist Complex contains organic refined olive oil, argane oil, Lavandula angustifolia (lavender) oil, Rosmarinus officinalis (rosemary) leaf oil, a signature ingredient of THE GINZA body care.It is a signature THE GINZA body care ingredient revered for its emollient effect. This light, silk-like body oil protects skin from dryness and leaves it looking smooth, moisturized and glowing.
- Gently massage the legs, arms and décolleté which helps regulate blood flow and helps keep skin looking refreshed and hydrated.
It’s formulated with Beauty Circulate Complex which contains jojoba oil, organic refined sesame oil, pinus sylvestris cone extract and glycerin for a moisturizing effect. - The light, non-sticky oil smooths easily over skin. Suitable for use anytime, the oil is the ideal texture for massage
- As if enveloped in silk, skin texture is refined for a clear, glowing look.
- Envelops in a fine, rich, linden aroma, that lasts pleasantly.
- The fresh and calming Linden Aroma transforms everyday body care into blissful, relaxing ritual.
- 着眼皮肤生理,让守护生命的皮肤处于充盈水润的稳定状态。保护肌肤免受干燥等外部环境的伤害,打造只属于自己的健康肌肤。
- THE GINZA独特成分御银座感知复合臻粹,蕴含刺梨果提取物、羧甲基 β-葡聚糖钠、聚季铵盐-51、银杏叶提取物(抗氧化)、甘油,保湿调理肌肤。
- THE GINZA御银座标志性身体护理成分丝缎盈润复合臻粹
(油橄榄果油 , 刺阿干树仁油, 薰衣草油, 迷迭香叶油)。
轻盈如丝绸的润肤精油悉心呵护肌肤免受干燥伤害,令肌肤光滑滋润,焕发耀彩。 - 轻轻按摩腿部、手臂和前胸部位,紧塑焕活复合臻粹帮助调节淋巴系统循环,保持肌肤清爽滋润。
紧塑焕活复合臻粹蕴含有机精萃荷荷巴油、有机精萃芝麻油、樟子松球果萃取物、甘油),保湿效果卓越。 - 质地轻盈不粘腻,肌肤延展性好。精油质地非常适合用于按摩。
- 细腻肌理,肌肤焕妍晶透,宛如上等丝缎盈盈缱绻。
- 林登香氛高雅馥郁,丝丝萦绕,弥香沁心。
- 高雅清新的林登香氛,让每天的护理成为心灵得到满足的惬意时光。
- 经皮肤科专家测试。
How to Use:
After bathing and before skin dries completely, use your hands to apply a small amount of oil to the whole body and gently massage into skin.
*Made in Japan
资生堂 银座身体精华油
奢护精粹融于护理油,柔润肌肤,周身宛如丝绸浴袍般轻裹,层层通透焕亮肌肤。Additional Information
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- 着眼皮肤生理,让守护生命的皮肤处于充盈水润的稳定状态。保护肌肤免受干燥等外部环境的伤害,打造只属于自己的健康肌肤。
**PRE-ORDER items – estimated arrival time will be Early November **
A luxurious body oil that contains plant-derived ingredients.
The formula feels like silk as it smooths over skin, giving your skin softened and moisturized look.
Skin is the first line of defense against external aggressors — it is fundamental to human wellbeing.
By protecting skin from lifestyle and environmental factors including stress and dryness, its condition can be maintained for a beautiful, healthy look.
Developed from 20 years of skin physiology research and formulated with THE GINZA s Perceptive Complex EX— featuring rosa roxburghii fruit extract, sodium carboxymethyl beta-glucan, polyquaternium-51, ginkgo biloba leaf extract (with anti-oxidant properties), and Glycerin. Moisturizes and conditions skin.
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